Lifetime Omics Launches its MinION NGS Lab

Lifetime Omics Launches its MinION NGS Lab

Lifetime Omics Launches its MinION NGS Lab

In August 2020, Lifetime Omics launched its Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) lab in the Miami Converge building whose co-shared laboratories are managed by the Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC). The NGS studies in our lab use the handheld MK1c MinION long read DNA sequencer which was introduced by Oxford Nanopore Technologies in 2019. The focus of the lab is on metagenomics sequencing and on the development of its “Lab in a Suitcase” services for licensing to hospitals together with CLAIRE, which is being developed as a Health-as-a-Service platform to predict infectious disease progression and outcomes with Metagenomics and AI.

The MK1c MinION